Thursday, October 16, 2014

For Class on 10/21: Midterm Review Blog

This week you will have two blog opportunities. Please use this blog to review for the exam. This will be available up until the exam. Feel free to post general or specific questions or thoughts and then respond to each other. You do not need to write anything more than brief blog entries but I strongly encourage you to check into the blog regularly to look for questions and to help share ideas to review for the exam. The more entries that each of you adds the better for everyone. Make sure to review other entries so that you have correct concepts before the exam. Maximum of one blog credit per person this week but you should feel free to post regularly.


  1. -Hello. Does anyone know what the specific role of deregulation is?
    -Also, I know that print media is the least regulated, but which type of media has the highest level of protection?

  2. Hey Jeanine!

    One specific role of deregulation:

    In the US, Congress significantly altered the regulation of media with the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996. Previously, various telecommunications agents had defined realms. Local and long distance companies were not allowed to compete against each other while cable companies had monopoly (an economic situation in which one firm supplies the entire market) status. Conversely, the 1996 statute allowed local and long distance providers to compete with each other. It also allowed cable companies to offer local service while allowing television and radio broadcasters to own more stations.

    As for the second question, I hope a classmate can help us out with answering that. That was actually one of my questions as well. I hope my information above helps!

  3. Hi Katie!
    Thank you so much. Yes, your answer helped, greatly! Thank you.

  4. print media has the highest protection if I remember correctly from class. This would be due to the 1st amendment protections of free speech as well as prior restraint.

    Prior restraint is censorship usually by the government, on expression/speech before it actually takes place. With this being said, the 1st amendment has much protection against such action.

    This was highlighted in the Supreme Court Case New York Times V. U.S. Here the NY Times was going to publish what is famously known as the "pentagon paper." The government filed suit saying that the publication of such papers would compromise national security and diminish our confidentiality with nation’s abroad. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of NY Times saying that the government’s actions of prior restraint were unconstitutional

    Here’s some more info if you wanted:
